Dec 29, 2015 | Coin Collecting, Coins, Gold Coins, Mint, Silver Coins, US Coins
Bank rolls & bank bags, and the US Mint This is a little off topic from my list of blogs that I am working on, but it came up at work the other day and I just had to share. So the US Mint does not sell coins or ship them individually, duh I know, but had to say...
Dec 17, 2015 | Coin Collecting, Coins, US Coins
COIN VALUES As you might have guessed by now, what a coin is worth is depended on many factors. Many people think that the most important factor is age. That is not the case. Valuations of coins are determined by many factors. Some include denomination,...
Nov 19, 2015 | Coin Collecting, Coins, Obsolete Coins, US Coins
What are obsolete coins? So glad you asked. They are not just the coins that you no longer have in your pocket, hehe. They are coins that are not being currently made by the mint for use in everyday commerce. Now they may still be legal tender, but that is not the...