Striking errors

Although they are quite noticeable, I am not referring to striking in that way! (adjective: attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent) After our talk on Planchet Errors, now we are going to talk about striking errors. Now there are many...

When an error is not a mistake

The OED lists the definition or Error as (1) A mistake  or   (1.3 technical) A measure of the estimated difference between the observed or calculated value of a quantity and its true value. In the world of coins, the 1.3 definition is much more important than the 1...

Classifying coins

Classifying coins or coin catalogs Ever wonder why when you see coin catalogs they are listed in a particular order? Well it is not just the OCD parts of us coming out, it is for ease and consistency. When numismatists (someone who studies coins) started getting...

What’s your type ….coins?

Type coins, what they are, they and why they matter. Getting into Collecting So we have touched on all the types of coins there are out there, with a focus on the US coins. As you might imagine, if you get into world and ancients there is a mind numbing amount of...